
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Role of Gender in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essays

Everyone in the literary world is familiar with Shakespeares ii star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet. Their love account statement, doomed by fate and animositying families has been an inspiration to many otherwise literary works, movies and even music. Yet it is unknown what makes these couples story to popular and interesting across the globe. Is it their youth, their love of first sight speedily followed by their terrific death, the tragic events that lead to their demise, or a mix of possibilities? One aspect of the play that causes an image in the reader mind and has a profound impact is the exquisite language of Shakespeare. The language gives each oddball a distinct personality and character each character has a different sense of humor, wit and love. Shakespeares countersigns show club in Verona, different beliefs, values, and behaviors in both men and women are personate in his play. The main characters of the play, Romeo and Juliet, are even affected by these beli efs and value, besides mainly role of gender.Men in Verona are violent, sexual dominant, and compress priority in deciding what happens or doesnt happen. Every put through they take is an expression of showing to the other men how dominant and mesomorphic they are. The men choose violence as their first choice of solution their problems for example in the opening scene, the Capulets and Montagues get into a brawl for no apparent reason other than their long feud. The two noble families do not get along well particularly due to the feud between them, the Capulets and the Montagues. During their first brawl, on of the servants of the Capulets, Sampson, states Tis true, and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are perpetually thrust to the wall therefore I will push Montagues men from the... ... If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow (2.2.143-144). Juliets mind is obsessed with sexual thoughts more than a adult female of her ti me. Her thoughts are portrayed as words times before they marry, O, I have bought the mansion of a love, but not possessd it, and though I am sold, not yet enjoyd. So tedious is this day (3.2.26-28). Juliet defies her parents many times when they are attempting to marry her with Paris. She hurriedly disagrees with them eventhough she is not supposed to. At the end of the play, Romeo becomes very heartbroken and feels expectant melancholy as he is seeing his beloved lying unheated in the tomb and takes his life with poison, a method of suicide broadly committed by females. Juliet, upon seeing her husband dead, stabs herself with Romeos dagger in a violent manner reflecting her masculine personality.

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