
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Essay example --

In life, people experience polar situations and live different realities. It is not illogical to say that the different journeys in life some epochs give us different ways of viewing the world. This was evident upon a closer examination and analysis of Wu Chengens The Journey to the watt, and Mary Shelly Frankenstein, where the two main characters of the book, a Monkey and a puppet, from each one(a) realize a different way of viewing life. The monkey chaffers life as a journey that should be explored, bit the brute has no way of exploring and sees life as something he cannot enjoy. In the end, what can be taken away from the works of literature is that no matter the journey taken, it is important to remember that ones subjectivity, create on our experiences, determines reality.A journey in life begins once a child is born. Even from the very moment of blood line, an individual is very good influenced by the surrounding environment. Usually a great upbringing meat an ind ividual has a better outlook in life, while a bad upbringing has negative side effects on the individual. goose egg proves this case more than by looking at the Monkeys birth, compared to that of Frankensteins creation. The monkeys birth in The Journey to the due west seems quiet unnatural in that he was born out of a tilt that split in half. The creature in Frankenstein on the separate hand was made by a human, Frankenstein himself. The key differences in the birth is not the fact that one was made by stone and the new(prenominal) was made by hand, the difference lies in the intend and care of the creator. The stone that the monkey was born out of was nourished for a long time by the seeds of heaven and Earth and by the essences of the sun and the moon, until quickened by divin... ...portant government agency of life when it comes to happiness, but it may not be the answer. The Monkey had ships company and so he was able to focus on other tasks. The creature was so consume d by the idea of companionship because it was what he lacked. The bigger pass on to be wise to(p) from these novels is that one should seek out to find a feeling of happiness within themselves instead of looking for it from somewhere else. Had the creature perceived the beauty in solidarity maybe he would not have been so vengeful. But alas, it is natural to want what one does not have. It is sometimes even fulfilling when one achieves something that one hoped to achieve. The most important thing learned here is that the key to happiness then is not something out of ones control. Although experiences sometimes are hard to control, action and a deepen in perception can make all the difference.

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